For many people life is easygoing (Ușoare sunt viețele multora) - Mihai Eminescu

For many people life is easygoing,
They catch the fleeting pleasure on the fly,
They have their sunny moments every time
And every day they see the daybreak dawning...

But tell me, o, you dreamy fairy childe,
Whether from their ranks I came outgoing,
Are you to me the same as they were showing,
Weren't you a star with everlasting shine?

Benumbing, shady, lost, I lived my life
That passed like foam, so vain it felt to me,
And to the charms of nature I was blind..

I saw you... just one instant, suddenly,
Felt deep the bitterness of all mankind...
And, see, I know it all now, thoroughly.

Added by: vasysm

Translator: Vasile Andreica
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
