Stars in the sky [Stelele-n cer] - Mihai Eminescu

Stars in the sky
Above the bay
Burn and decay
Until they die.

Up to the tips
The masts are shaking
And all are trembling
The wooden ships:

Each like a fortress
Floating on water
To reach the border
Of wilderness.

White cranes in crowds,
Are soaring high
Into the sky
On moving clouds.

Leaving the shore
To start a chase
Flying with grace –
And nothing more...

O, forest flower,
The life goes by
Young ages die
When comes the hour.

The luck will go
On its long wings
If all the things
Are moving slow.

Before I perish,
Angel, stand by
And hear my cry
For who I cherish.

It is too bad
To cast away
This very day
We have in hand.

Added by: Octavian

Translator: Octavian Cocoş
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
