Separation [Despărţire] - Mihai Eminescu

Shall I request, my darling, a token of your love?
I wish I could have kept you, but you flew like a dove;
And I don't need the flower that withers in your hair,
I want you to forget me, to leave me sad and bare.

What is the point to foster the bad luck and to strive
Instead of let it dwindle and never to revive?
When even a small river new torrents will receive
Why should we stay for ever in pain and always grieve?
Because it's our lot to float on life's big stream
As if we were a shadow, as if we were a dream.
From now on why to bother to worry about me?
Why should you keep a record of things that ceased to be?
I don't care if I die and leave the world behind
I want to disappear from everybody's mind
And let you live in peace and to forget my face.
But, love, if you remember my soft and warm embrace,
I curse the dark, dense shadow in which I died upset
I wish that you and I had never ever met
To taste the thrill and bliss, to feel each other's touch
Can you forgive me, darling, for loving you so much?
Now turn your face and leave me to live among strange guys
To feel the cold that freezes the pupils of my eyes,
And when the earth goes back again into the earth
Who will remember then my name, my life, my worth?
All kinds of wailing songs will mournfully request
That I may enter quickly into eternal rest;
Yet, I would like someone, when everybody sighs,
To come and put your name upon my frozen eyes,
Then, even if they want to throw my corpse away
I'm sure I'd feel much better than how I feel today.
A flock of ravens maybe will darken the high skies
Just like the death will shadow and blind my wretched eyes,
Then, suddenly, a storm will break out of the blue,
My flesh will turn to dust, my sad heart will rot, too...

But you, be glad and blossom like flowers do in spring,
With your big, humid eyes, with lips that smile and sing
And though you are a child, grow younger without shame
Forget about me, darling, for I shall do the same.

Added by: Octavian

Translator: Octavian Cocoş
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
