On the same familiar lane [Pe aceeaşi ulicioară] - Mihai Eminescu

On the same familiar lane
In the windows shines the moon,
While you stay behind the pane
And won't show your face too soon!

And the blooming trees now cast
Their thin boughs towards the rail,
If I tried to bring the past
Into present, I would fail.

You possess a different eye
And you have a different soul,
Only I'm the same good guy
And I have the same old goal.

Oh, you were a gentle maid
Walking slowly, without fear,
When you came in the cool shade
Of the secret grove, my dear.

With your head lain on my chest
All the earth seemed small and blurred
We were not in need of rest
And we talked without a word.

I replied with kisses when
You were asking – lovely task;
About other topics then
You were not so keen to ask.

And my life was really bright
Didn't know it was the same
If you held a shadow tight
Or believed what said a dame.

The wind blows, as always did,
Moves the curtains with much grace,
Behind them now you are hid
And you'll never show your face!

Added by: Octavian

Translator: Octavian Cocoş
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
