Lacul - Mihai Eminescu

By Mihai Eminerscu

The woods lake, all blue in color
Yellow lilies do him load;
Startling in white sudden circles
He is shivering a boat.

And I pass along the lakeshores,
Like I listen and wait for
Her from reeds to make appearance
On my chest to gently fall.

That we jump into the small boat,
Followed by the waters’ hum,
That I lose from hand the ruddder,
That I leave the oars drop down;

That we float filled with enchantment
With the moonlight all around,
Let the wind through reeds do rustle,
Let the wavy water sound!

But she does not come...I, lonesome
Suffer, sigh in vain for hours
By the lake so blue in color
Charged with water lily flowers.

Traducerea> Adrian Vasiliu

Added by: advas

Translator: Adrian Vasiliu
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
