How could you... [Cum ai putut...] - Mihai Eminescu

How could you scorn me all the time
And laugh at what we had,
At what I thought it was sublime
When we were feeling glad?

How could you be so mean and blind
To break your solemn vow?
Who is that God so good and kind
Who could forgive you now?

When both of us are dust and clay,
Because He gathers all,
Our promises will die away,
Nobody will recall.

And in the black eternity
My poetry will glow,
What you called an absurdity
The whole world then will know.

But when the fortune turns its wheel
My words will sprout and bloom –
Carrying with them my soul's ordeal –
Like flowers on a tomb.

And in my rhyme, which will endure,
You will look mean, naive,
As there was no one, I am sure,
Among the heirs of Eve.

Added by: Octavian

Translator: Octavian Cocoş
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
