Greenwood's story [Povestea codrului] - Mihai Eminescu

Greenwood is a king in glory
Thousand nations he can bear
And all thrive across the ages
Through his mercy, through his care.

Moon and Sun and Luminaries
Decorate his royal flag,
He's surrounded by fair ladies
And by courtiers, heirs of Stag.

Heralds are the speedy rabbits,
Who bring news and give details,
Nightingales are his orchestra
And the springs murmur old tales.

Above all the shaded flowers
Near the waters, all around,
Bees are wandering enchanted,
Ants are swarming on the ground...

Let's go to the greenwood, darling,
And be children, and make noise,
So that luck and love resemble
Two fragile and harmless toys.

And somehow it seems that nature
Has in mind for you a role,
For it wants to make you sweeter
Than the most delightful doll.

We shall go into the wide world,
Getting lost and feeling free,
We shall lie next to the cold spring
And beneath a linden tree.

Over us will fall its blossoms,
While we shall be fast asleep,
In our dreams we'll hear the trumpet
Sounding in the fold of sheep.

Closer... then, again still closer,
Tight will be our embrace...
Listen how it's asking guidance
From the king, with so much grace!

Over all the springs that ripple
Moon is shining through the leaves,
All around us gather slowly
Many royal relatives:

Foamy white fantastic horses,
Aurochs mighty and severe,
Stags with branched impressive antlers
And from mountains, nimble deer –

Our linden they are asking
About us, while gently stride,
Our host then is replying
Putting all his boughs aside:

– Look at them how they are dreaming
Of beech forests, how sublime!
Both of them, like in a story
Love each other all the time!

Added by: Octavian

Translator: Octavian Cocoş
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
