Evening Star [Luceafărul] - Mihai Eminescu

There was, as in the fairy tales,
Back in the distant time,
Of royal blood, which still prevails,
A girl sweet and sublime.

The only child, with no constraints,
And fair and full of charms,
Shining like Mary among saints
And moon among the stars.

She glides through the majestic halls
As if she slowly skates,
Goes to the window where befalls
That Evening Star awaits.

Above the sea he always stays
For rises and shines bright,
Along the moving water trails
Guides all the ships at night.

And seeing him, wish burns her cheeks,
She's thrilled from head to toe;
He watches her for many weeks,
And love begins to grow.

While musing happy at her goal
And resting on her arm,
Deep in her heart and in her soul
She's longing for his charm.

How bright he then begins to burn
Night after night, with grace,
Above the palace black and stern,
Where she will show her face.

* * *

Then follows her; she's not upset,
For he dispels the gloom,
From chilly rays weaving a net
Of flames inside the room.

And when she needs a little rest
And on the bed she lies,
Touches her hands placed on her chest
And closes her sweet eyes.

And from the mirror – antique piece,
Light spreads throughout the place,
On her big eyes, which sleep in peace,
And on her lovely face.

She looks at him and smiles, it seems,
He glimmers in the glass,
Because he follows her in dreams
For she's a pretty lass.

And in her sleep she whispers low,
Her heart beats like a drum:
– O, prince of night, with eerie glow,
Why stay away? Do come!

Climb down, my star, so meek and kind,
Slide on a ray tonight,
Pervade the palace and my mind,
And in my life bring light!

He hears and shivers in the sky,
Burns harder, feeling free,
Then plunging quickly from on high
Sinks deep into the sea.

And where he falls the water's stirred
Makes circles, there's no doubt,
And from the depth – a thing unheard –
A handsome lad comes out.

He passes through the window pane
Without making a sound,
And in his hand he holds a cane
On top with reeds around.

Looks like a ruler, young and proud,
With soft and golden hair,
And on his shoulders hangs a shroud,
Which flutters in the air.

He seems to be a piece of ice
And has a pale white face –
A pretty corpse with lovely eyes,
Two coals burning with grace.

– I've left my sphere with pain and sigh,
Because you've told me: Come!
My father is the starry sky,
The sea is my dear mom.

To be now here, inside your room,
And stroke you with my rays,
I left behind the heaven's womb
And I was born from waves.

– O, come, my jewel from afar
And leave the world aside!
I am the lofty Evening Star
And you will be my bride.

You'll live in palaces with me,
For centuries you'll stay,
And all the creatures in the sea
Your orders will obey.

– O, you are gorgeous in my dreams,
Like angels you can talk,
But on this charming way it seems
That I shall never walk!

Weird are your clothes and what you've said,
And lifeless is your glow,
I am alive, but you are dead,
Your eye is cold as snow.

* * *

And one by one passed three more days
Then, in a starry night,
The Evening Star sent down his rays
And flooded her with light.

So she remembered him with ease
Although was fast asleep,
And craved her prince born from the seas,
Because her love was deep:

– Climb down, my star, so meek and kind,
Slide on a ray tonight,
Pervade the palace and the mind,
And in my life bring light!

As soon as he perceives the sound
His light goes out in pain,
The sky begins to turn around,
The movement is insane.

The flames which burn up in the air,
Spread all over the place,
And from the chaos, somewhere there,
Takes shape a lovely face.

On his long hair as black as night
There is a burning crown,
He floats on truth, as a brave knight,
And wears a fiery gown.

With a black shroud again is clad
His marble arms show grace,
Looks very thoughtful, bleak and sad,
And has a pallid face;

But his big eyes, which spread delight,
Are lit by a small spark,
Two endless passions in the night
Profound and full of dark.

– I've left my sphere and here I run
Because you've told me: Come!
My father is the burning sun,
The night is my dear mom;

O, come, my jewel from afar
And leave the world aside!
I am the lofty Evening Star
And you will be my bride.

O, come, to hang in your blonde hair
Bright stars, looking like gem,
When in the sky you rise up there
To outshine all of them!

– O, you are handsome in my dreams,
A fiend with whom I talk,
But on this charming way it seems
That I shall never walk!

Your ruthless love burdens my brain
My heart cannot survive,
For your big eyes give me much pain,
Their flames burn me alive.

– How would you want me there to be?
I have a life ahead,
I am immortal, can't you see,
Whereas you'll soon be dead?

– My thoughts are simple and sincere,
Yet, words are not at hand –
Although you speak so loud and clear,
I cannot understand.

But if your love has any worth
And it is not a sham,
Come down and live upon the earth
Be mortal, as I am.

– You ask my immortality,
For a romantic touch,
I think it's a fatality
To cherish you so much;

Yes, I'll be born again from sin
To live by other law,
My fate for ever is to spin,
But I want to withdraw.

And went away driven by love
And by the child's sweet gaze,
Leaving the place he had above
For many, many days.


But in the meantime, Catalyne,
A buttons shrewd and neat,
Who fills the goblets with red wine
When people drink and eat.

A page who walks behind the queen
Her wondrous gowns to hold,
A bastard child, a stray sweet teen,
With glances keen and bold,

With cheeks like roses, eyebrows raised
And with a blushing face,
At Catalyna looks amazed
Tucked in a hiding place.

He sees her beauty and her stance
And on the spot he's struck;
Well, Catalyne, this is your chance
To go and try your luck.

And thus he hugs her from behind
But in a gentle way,
– Hey, Catalyne, what's on your mind?
You'd better go away.

– What's on my mind? I think you guess,
I want to feel the bliss,
So, I won't let you go unless
You give me a sweet kiss.

– I do not know what you request,
Please leave and stay afar,
My heart is pounding in my chest
And craves the Evening Star.

– If you don't know, then I'd be glad
To teach you lovers game,
Only don't fuss and don't get mad,
Be lenient and tame.

As does the lonely hunter who
Lays traps and catches birds,
The moment I reach out to you
Embrace me, trust my words;

And let your eyes, so pure and chaste,
To readily submit
And when I gently grab your waist
On tiptoe rise a bit;

Then, when you see my face is bent
Raise yours and don't be shy,
We shall remain embraced, content,
Until it's time to die.

To understand then fully how
The lovers' hearts do burn,
When kissing you, I'll slightly bow,
You'll kiss me in your turn.

She listens to the playful child
Amazed and ill at ease,
Now she is shy, now she is mild,
Now wants, now disagrees,

And says: – I've known you for so long,
A child astute and fair
And talkative and good and strong,
We two could make a pair...

However, came an Evening Star
And I did not foresee
That he would give a charm bizarre
To the secluded sea;
I keep my lashes lowered now
The teardrops fill my face,
Because I see the ripples how
They go towards his place;

He glows with a tremendous love
And watches me with care,
But he remains so far above
That I can't touch him there.

To light the world he is all set,
Like a majestic star...
For ever I shall love him, yet
For ever he'll stay far...

That's why my days do not seem right
And I want them to end,
But all the nights have a delight
That I can't comprehend.

– You're just a child, let's run away
In the wide world, my dear,
They will forget our names one day
And so we'll disappear.

We'll be secure and we'll be glad,
Our souls will have no scars,
You will forget your mom and dad
And all the Evening Stars.

* * *

The Evening Star moved in the sky
With his impressive wings
And many thousand years went by
In just as many winks.

A starry sky there was below,
Above a starry sky –
He seemed a streak, a constant glow
That wandered there on high.

And from the chaos, from the bay,
And from his frozen sight,
As in that first and holy day
Flowed lights ablaze and bright.

And they surrounded him in haste
As water waves, how weird...
Driven by longing then he raced
Until they disappeared;

For where he went there was no bound
Or eyes to look about,
And time fought hard and moved around
From hollows to get out.

So, there was nothing, yet there was
A thirst, more like a threat,
A deep dark chasm, just because
It lured him to forget.

– Untie me, Father, from the chains
Of an eternal life,
May you be praised on all domains
And may your years be rife;

O, Lord, ask anything from me,
But listen my demands,
A spring of life you'll always be
And death is in your hands.

Remove the aura from my head
And the immortal dove,
Be good and offer me instead
An hour of true love...

From chaos I was born, no doubt,
In chaos I'd return,
And from the stillness I came out
For stillness now I yearn.

– Hyperion, who from abyss
Rise in the world in flames,
Don't ask for marvels, signs and bliss,
Which have no face, no names;

You wish to be a man, but how
To be like other men?
If all the people died right now
They would be born again.

And their ideals, right and clear,
Seem lofty, but are dumb,
When many ripples disappear
More ripples quickly come.

They look for lucky stars in space
And fate stops short their breath,
We do not have a time and place
And we don't know what's death.

From the eternal yesterday
Rise all and then decline,
If a bright sun now died away
Another one would shine;

But though it seems to stay alive
Death treats it with deep scorn,
For all will die after they thrive
And then again are born.

– But you, Hyperion, will last
Whenever you decline...
This thing I promised in the past –
My wisdom is divine.

How could I let that mouth to speak
And sing and to be free?
It would collapse the mountain peak
Deep down into the sea.

Or do you wish to show your worth
Your justice and your reign?
I'd give you every piece of earth
To make it your domain.

And all the masts I'll give to thee
And armies and much wealth,
To cross the earth and the wide sea,
But I can't give you death...

Tell me, for whom you want to die?
Go back now, turn around,
Look at that planet from on high
And see what's on the ground.

* * *

And in his place again he stays
For in the sky returns
And like in all the other days
His light in distance burns.

Now it is evening all around
Soon will begin the night;
The moon is rising, there's no sound,
The sea reflects its light.

And with its sparks borne by the breeze
It fills the forest lands;
Beneath a row of linden trees
Two youngsters hold their hands:

– O, baby, let my head to lie
Upon your breasts with care
And look at me with your sweet eye,
Which is so clear and fair;

Then with the charm of the cold light
Go deep into my brain,
Pour the deep silence of the night
Over my pangs of pain.

Don't go away, but stay above
And stop the sorrow stream,
You are my first and caring love,
But also my last dream.

Hyperion sees from the skies
Amazement on their face:
When his warm hand on her neck lies
She gives him an embrace...

The scent of lindens quickly spreads,
Their blossoms fall like rain
On top of those two children's heads
Fair-haired, who there remain.

Intoxicated by this love
She lifts her eyes and... lo!
The Evening Star is right above
She craves now for his glow:

– Climb down, my star, so meek and kind,
Slide on a ray tonight,
Pervade the forest and my mind,
And in my life bring light!

He shivers as it did before
On hills, in woods and caves,
While guiding safely to the shore
The lonely moving waves;

But doesn't fall as did one day
Into the foamy sea:
– Why would you care, O, face of clay
If it is him or me?

You live to beg the luck and fate
Your world is small, controlled,
But in my sphere I'm feeling great,
Immortal and so cold.

Added by: Octavian

Translator: Octavian Cocoş
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
