Blue flower [Floare albastră] - Mihai Eminescu

Have you plunged again in spheres
And in clouds you wanna flee?
How I wish you stayed with me,
You’re the soul of all my years.

To no end the sunny rivers
You are piling in your head
Distant plains of which we read
And the sea that’s dark and quivers.

The old pyramids are charming
Point directly to the sky
You don’t need to search so high
For your happiness, my darling!

This is what the maiden said
Gently playing with my hair
Oh! she spoke a truth so fair;
And I laughed and shook my head.

– Come, the woods are full of bliss
And the springs flow down the vale
While the rock’s about to fail
In the bottomless abyss.

In the glade, among the trees,
Near the pool blue and serene,
And beneath the reed so green,
We shall lie on berry leaves.

There you’ll tell me many stories
And a lot of lies I feel
I shall snatch a chamomile
Trying to dismiss my worries.

And the sun will be so violent
And I’ll be so red and fair,
I'll let down my golden hair
For a while to make you silent.

If you want to kiss my lips
No one in the world will know
Cause we’re lying here below
And who cares you've touched my hips?

When we see while looking back
The big moon with all its charm
You will hold me by the arm
I will jump around your neck.

And beneath the trees like towers
To the village we shall go
Our kisses then will flow
As sweet as the hidden flowers.

And arriving at the gate
In the darkness we shall chatter
This is not something to matter
Who cares that my love is great?

One last kiss and left me sour
Didn’t know what I was feeling
How insane and how appealing
Was my sweet and blue, blue flower!

* * *

Off you went and my eyes burned
And our love died in an hour
Blue, blue flower, blue, blue flower!...
There is sadness in the world!

Added by: Octavian

Translator: Octavian Cocoş
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
