Epitaph - Ion Caraion

From all we’ve said, and all we hail,
remains a tear, bewildered, shy
an ancient poem, lonely tale,
which of itself will fade and die.

the same as other poems faded
and trailing us, or trailing it,
the maples rest on evenings, jaded,
through someone's eyes, now dimly lit.

like in a water glass in which
the well itself is crawling flat
its coolness dying in some ditch
or hardly that... or hardly that...


Din tot ce-am spus, din tot ce vrem,
rămâne-o lacrimă năucă
pe fundul vreunui vechi poem
care şi el o să se ducă

aşa cum altele s-au dus
şi-n urma noastră, -n urma lui,
răstoarnă paltini alt apus
prin ochii cine ştie cui

ca-ntr-un pahar de apă-n care
fântâna-ntreagă s-a târât
să-şi moară ultima răcoare
sau nici atât... sau nici atât...

Added by: danielionita1960

Translator: Daniel Ioniță
Language: English

see more poems written by: Ion Caraion
