Why are you so troubled? [Ce te legeni?] - Mihai Eminescu

– „Why are you so troubled, forest?
There’s no wind and there’s no rain
Yet your branches are in pain”.
– „Yes, I’m troubled, you know why?
’Cause my life is passing by
Days are shrinking, nights are growing
And my leaves are quickly falling.
Wind is blowing from the bay
Chasing singing birds away
Wind is blowing without fear
Summer’s gone, winter is here.
How could I avoid to bow
When the birds are leaving now!
Over branches, in the sky
Swallow flocks are flying high
And I’m watching them go by
Knowing that my hope will die.
And are passing all the day
Darkening the airy way,
And like seconds they are flying
With their wings the wind defying.
In their wake, I remain numb
Withered and a little dumb
Only with my own desire
Which is burning me like fire!”.

Added by: Octavian

Translator: Octavian Cocoş
Language: English

see more poems written by: Mihai Eminescu
